Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
A great little Halloween art activity. An easy to print paper skull template in the style of the Mexican Day of the Dead Candy Skulls.
Students can add their own designs and colour, cut out and fold into the skull shape.
Decorate your classroom with them and make links to mexican culture.
A four lesson art unit focusing on the connections between art and medicine and health.
Each lesson includes timings, activities, materials list and homework ideas.
The anatomical work of Leonardo da Vinci is explored and students are encouraged to develop their own artwork through careful observation.
The Elements of Art are well covered.
Ideal for strengthening those cross curricular links. You might even want to get the Science department involved!
An Art project to engage Primary school students in issues associated with cultural identity. This fun and informative resource provides four hour long lessons which challenge students to think about their own cultural identity and link it to imagery. They are then invited to explore elements of art through drawing, painting and collage. Fun activities that all students can access.
This resource includes four lesson plans, materials lists, artist references, timings and a rubric.
Also included is a 15 minute demonstration video showing how an exciting drawing can be developed around a cultural image.
This resource provides visually stimulating slides from A to Z - showing a corresponding art word or term.
Words and terms are purposefully challenging, therefore stretching students specialist vocabulary and knowledge. The resource could contribute to the Art Department's literacy policy.
Included are words such as Decoupage, Impasto and Xylography.
This resource can be used as a slideshow or can be printed for permanent display around the Art room.
This Unit of Work provides 4 linked lesson plans that guide teaching of skills and techniques associated with masks. Each lesson plan is broken down into how the work will be assessed, the structure of the lesson, cross curricular links, homework and resources required. Also included for each lesson is a photocopiable information sheet for students, which is written in a student friendly manner.
This resource is ideal for Key Stage 3 students.
Are you looking for an effective, fully editable Art curriculum plan? This might help. A curriculum plan suitable for secondary school, years 7 to 13, along with an accompanying rationale and implementation plan.
Both documents are provided in Word, so that you can modify as required.
A clear GCSE Art student guide explaining how to successfully complete Component 1. Ideal for handing out at the start of Year 11 to provide straightforward, easy to follow guidance on what is required to meet the assessment objectives.
Includes a week by week chart for them to log their progress to encourage them to retain ownership of their work and keep on track.
Provided as a Word document so that you can edit it to your heart’s content!
Suitable for AQA andEdExcel specifications.
This resource provides a fun superhero based activity for form time. An opportunity to encourage students to consider positive behaviour traits as superpowers. Suitable for KS2 and 3 students. A choice of superhero templates are offered, both male and female, which allow children to add colour and designs. Children can then develop a positive character for the hero by deciding on "superpowers" and background.
17 pages of editable report comments for A level Art. Fully aligned to the Assessment Objectives. Suitable for both AQA and EdExcel courses. A full range of student ability covered.
80 high quality photographs of structures to provide Art students with inspiration. Bridges, pylons, buildings, scaffolding, girders and more. Ideal for drawing exercises and links to architecture.
This resource comprises a slide show of images of rust and corrosion, offering inspiration for Art students of all ages. The textural qualities of the images could potentially provide a starting point for media experimentation.
This resource is equally suitable as a cross curricular tool, offering a visual reference for science students. It can be used in conjunction with other Art resources by Mael Matthews on TES.
Give students a relaxing colouring activity. Evidence suggests that colouring exercises are effective in calming busy minds in both adults and children. Teachers successfully use them in the classroom to help students re focus. Unfortunately most colouring books are prohibitively expensive. This affordable collection of beautiful original drawings is the solution. 65 beautiful mandalas ready for printing out and adding colour.
All drawings are original and have been produced by Mael Matthews.
GCSE Art students will be receiving the External Task sheets in January. This is an important, intensive period of the course, with the task accounting for 40% of their overall mark.
These support documents provide the student and teacher with a structured guide to developing preparatory work that fully addresses the Assessment Objectives. A schedule shows the nature and timing of work between January and early April (The controlled assessment usually takes place in late April or early May.)
Also included is a prompt sheet for analysing artwork and a step by step guide to developing a GCSE sketchbook. The theme of the sketchbook guide is "natural forms", but it can be adapted by the teacher or student to fit any question.
....... and finally, a collection of original photographs of plants which you and your students are free to copy, edit and use. The images might prove very useful to those students who struggle to collect their own images.
The support document and the step by step sketchbook guide are provided as PDFs, but also Word / Powerpoint documents so that they can be fully edited to suit the specific needs of the school.
Visit our shop at for over 300 more creative resources, including photographic images for most topic areas.
Good luck to students and teachers. Please remember to leave feedback. We value your comments.
This is a step by step guide to developing a sketchbook. A useful support document for those students who are struggling to cover the Assessment Objectives. The focus of this guide is "Natural Forms", but it could easily be amended to accommodate alternative themes. An editable version of the resource is included.
If you have any questions about the resource please tweet Mael @maelhmatthews. We would be happy to answer your questions.
An Art scheme of work presented in the form of three detailed linked lesson plans. each plan provides clear guidance for the teacher, differentiation, materials list, health and safely and a student friendly support sheet. Also included is a slideshow providing a step by step demonstration of the technique to be used. Suitable for older Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 students.
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Planning free Christmas activities for when you need a cover lesson quickly! Grid drawing activities and colouring sheets. Ideal for when staff succumb to winter bugs!
Keep this no prep Art sub lesson near by for when you need a sub lesson in a hurry. Students will love using the printables to design their own superheroes. They can add pattern and color to the templates and even decide on their super powers! The resource includes 3 female and 3 male worksheet templates with space to write down their chosen super powers, a blank template for students to have a go at designing a superhero from scratch, speech bubbles for adding to their designs, super hero logo templates to help students design their own super logo and large scale versions of each superhero template for students to really get involved with the designing and coloring. Great fun for all ages … even grown ups!
Be sure to check out the preview document, which shows you the whole doc, so you know exactly what you are getting.
We hope you students enjoy using this resource!
This resource comprises a slide show of images of dramatic landscapes, offering inspiration for Art students of all ages. The textural and compositional qualities of the images could potentially provide a starting point for media experimentation and artwork development.
This resource is equally suitable as a cross curricular tool, offering a visual reference for geography students or as inspiration for creative writing. It can be used in conjunction with other Art resources by Mael Matthews on TES.
This resource provides 20 high quality images associated with Autumn. Falling leaves, rich colours and inspirational views. An ideal resource to support creative writing, art projects and lessons on the seasons of the year with Primary aged children.